At the professional and even collegiate level, athletes are offered the top resources needed to stay healthy and prolong their careers. They are equipped with training programs that compliment the work done in practice and during competition to continue to make developmental gains. Why then, are we not providing these same services to our youth athletes who are training at arguably similar loads?
As we continue to see a rise in the amount of youth entering sport, Milwaukee Movement recognizes that if we are going to make a positive impact, we have to start by equipping the next generation of athletes. We want to provide our athletes the resources necessary early on in their careers to prevent injury and enhance performance so that they can carry these habits with them as they progress in their training experiences. At Milwaukee Movement we are committed to providing our athletes with the highest level of care because we believe they deserve the very best to be able to maintain a sustainable career. Implementing these practices at an early age allows youth athletes the opportunity to rise above their competitors.
We understand every single athlete has goals, aspirations, and dreams. We know that the common goal of a young person is to make the top club and be on the A-team. As an athlete transitions from childhood to adulthood the focus moves towards getting the scholarship and playing at the highest level. Between the age of 12 and the age of 14, there are rapid changes in the physical development of an athlete that influence their ability to participate in competition. The growth that occurs during these teenage years requires specific attention to help these youth athletes decrease their pain levels and increased risk for injury amidst their growth spurt.
Why should your athlete wait until the college or professional level to receive a holistic approach to their overall athlete performance? With sports science technology becoming more advanced, we want to make sure we’re offering our athletes the resources that they need to become well-rounded and fully develop. We implement training techniques that focus on each area of the brain so that they can perform with increased coordination, quicker reaction times, controlled stability, and high-level power. We target our training to focus on the various stages of development for the teenage athlete. For our young people, we understand the pressure of peer influence, which is why we feel so passionate about empowering our adolescent athletes specifically in the subjects of proper warm-up, basic fueling concerns, multi-planar training patterns, recovery habits, and education on positive body image. Milwaukee Movement wants to help instill confidence in each one of our athletes. Our approach to the athlete is second to none when it comes to optimizing performance, decreasing pain levels, and prolonging careers.